400 Icebreakers

If you are on this page, you are likely at one of Joshua's Presentations. You are so lucky!

  1. Have you ever traveled abroad? If so, where?

  2. What's the last book you read?

  3. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?

  4. What's your favorite type of cuisine?

  5. If you could live in any era of history, when would it be?

  6. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

  7. What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?

  8. What's your favorite movie or TV show?

  9. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take?

  10. What's the most unusual job you can think of?

  11. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

  12. What's your dream vacation destination?

  13. What's your favorite way to relax after a long day?

  14. If you were a type of food, what would you be?

  15. What was your favorite subject in school?

  16. What's the strangest talent you have?

  17. Have you ever met anyone famous?

  18. What's your favorite sport to watch or play?

  19. If you could change one law, what would it be?

  20. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

  21. What's your favorite season and why?

  22. What's something you've always wanted to try but haven't yet?

  23. If you could live in any fictional universe, where would it be?

  24. How do you take your coffee or tea?

  25. What's the most courageous thing you've ever done?

  26. What's your favorite type of music?

  27. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

  28. What was your first job?

  29. Do you have any siblings?

  30. What's your favorite family tradition?

  31. How would your friends describe you?

  32. What's something you're passionate about?

  33. Have you ever been on a blind date?

  34. What's the most valuable thing you've learned in your career?

  35. If you could have any job for a week, what would it be?

  36. What's the weirdest food you've ever tried?

  37. What's something that always brings a smile to your face?

  38. If you could only watch one genre of movies for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  39. What's the best gift you've ever received?

  40. What's the worst fashion trend you've ever participated in?

  41. What's something you wish you were better at?

  42. What's your favorite holiday and why?

  43. If you could spend a day with any fictional character, who would it be?

  44. Do you believe in ghosts or the supernatural?

  45. What's your favorite childhood memory?

  46. What's the best concert you've ever been to?

  47. Have you ever built anything with your hands?

  48. What's the most beautiful word in the English language?

  49. If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would you say?

  50. What's your favorite piece of technology that you own?

  51. What's something you wish you knew more about?

  52. What's your favorite way to exercise?

  53. If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be?

  54. What's the most recent show you binge-watched?

  55. What's the best dish you can cook?

  56. If you could visit any planet, which one would you choose?

  57. What's your favorite quote or saying?

  58. What's the most challenging thing you've ever done?

  59. If you could live in any country, where would you choose?

  60. What's your favorite board game or card game?

  61. What's the most interesting fact you know?

  62. If you could write a book about anything, what would it be?

  63. What's the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

  64. What's the best way to start the day?

  65. What's your favorite thing about the city or town you live in?

  66. If you could meet any living person, who would it be?

  67. What's something that always makes you laugh?

  68. What's the best compliment you've ever received?

  69. What's something you wish everyone knew about you?

  70. What's the most interesting place you've visited?

  71. What's your favorite way to give back to the community?

  72. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?

  73. What's your favorite type of weather?

  74. What's the last thing you created or built?

  75. If you could be a character in any film or TV show, who would it be?

  76. What's the most important quality you look for in a friend?

  77. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  78. What's your favorite way to spend a weekend?

  79. If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?

  80. What's the most recent hobby you've picked up?

  81. What's something that's on your bucket list?

  82. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?

  83. What's your favorite type of art?

  84. What's the most interesting documentary you've ever watched?

  85. What's something you've done that you're really proud of?

  86. What's the most relaxing place you've ever been to?

  87. What's your favorite type of dance?

  88. What's the last thing that made you cry?

  89. What's your favorite way to celebrate an achievement?

  90. If you could have any historical artifact in your home, what would it be?

  91. What's the most meaningful gift you've ever given?

  92. What's the most recent thing you've learned about yourself?

  93. If you could see one band or artist perform live, who would it be?

  94. What's something that always cheers you up when you're feeling down?

  95. What's the best book you've ever read?

  96. If you could spend a day in someone else's shoes, whose would they be?

  97. What's your favorite way to spend time outdoors?

  98. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?

  99. What's the biggest lesson life has taught you so far?

  100. What's your favorite hobby?

  101. If you could host a talk show, who would be your first guest?

  102. What's your favorite way to spend a rainy day?

  103. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?

  104. If you could have any celebrity as a friend, who would you choose?

  105. What's your favorite type of flower or plant?

  106. What's something you've always wanted to learn?

  107. What's the most unusual pet you've ever had or wanted to have?

  108. If you could live in any TV home, which one would it be?

  109. What's your favorite childhood toy?

  110. What's the most interesting course you've ever taken?

  111. What's something that never fails to motivate you?

  112. What's your go-to karaoke song?

  113. If you could be a professional athlete, what sport would you play?

  114. What's the most beautiful language in the world?

  115. If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  116. What's your favorite thing about yourself?

  117. If you could have dinner with any three people (dead or alive), who would they be?

  118. What's your favorite way to get inspired?

  119. If you were a teacher, what subject would you teach?

  120. What's something that's always in your refrigerator?

  121. What's the most meaningful volunteer experience you've had?

  122. If you could be any fictional villain, who would you be?

  123. What's your favorite kind of sandwich?

  124. If you could be on any game show, which one would it be?

  125. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

  126. What's your favorite social media platform and why?

  127. What's your favorite type of exercise?

  128. What's the most meaningful object you own?

  129. If you could go on a cross-country road trip, where would you stop?

  130. What's the most difficult decision you've ever had to make?

  131. What's something you wish you could tell your younger self?

  132. If you had to wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  133. What's the best way to make a new friend?

  134. What's the most valuable thing you've lost and found again?

  135. If you could donate a million dollars to any cause, what would it be?

  136. What's your favorite type of dessert?

  137. If you could be a fly on the wall in any room, where would it be?

  138. What's your favorite way to stay active?

  139. If you could invent something new, what would it be?

  140. What's the most memorable compliment you've ever given?

  141. If you could be a part of any historical event, which one would it be?

  142. What's the most unusual hobby you've heard of?

  143. What's your favorite animal and why?

  144. If you could have a one-hour conversation with any fictional character, who would it be?

  145. What's your favorite memory with a friend or family member?

  146. What's the most difficult challenge you've overcome?

  147. What's the most exciting event you've ever attended?

  148. If you could instantly become fluent in any language, which one would you choose?

  149. What's the most beautiful song you've ever heard?

  150. What's your favorite way to spend a free evening?

  151. If you could be a part of any fictional family, which one would you choose?

  152. What's the most surprising thing you've ever learned about yourself?

  153. If you could live in any painting, which one would it be?

  154. What's the best piece of art you've ever created?

  155. What's the most beautiful beach you've ever visited?

  156. If you could be any historical leader, who would you be?

  157. What's your favorite way to challenge yourself?

  158. What's the most interesting museum you've ever been to?

  159. If you could bring any fictional technology to life, what would it be?

  160. What's the most interesting job you've ever had?

  161. If you could spend a day as any animal, what would you be?

  162. What's your favorite type of tea or coffee?

  163. What's the most touching act of kindness you've ever witnessed?

  164. If you could be any mythological creature, what would you be?

  165. What's the most fascinating historical period to you?

  166. What's the most important thing you've learned from a mentor?

  167. If you could have any view from your home, what would it be?

  168. What's the most exciting thing about your job or studies?

  169. What's your favorite thing to shop for?

  170. What's the most beautiful city you've ever visited?

  171. If you could learn to do anything in the world, what would it be?

  172. What's the most interesting building you've ever seen?

  173. If you could have any car in the world, what would it be?

  174. What's the most rewarding experience you've ever had?

  175. What's your favorite childhood book?

  176. If you could live in any novel's world, where would you live?

  177. What's the most interesting sport you've ever played or watched?

  178. If you could have any fictional pet, what would it be?

  179. What's the most interesting scientific fact you know?

  180. What's your favorite poem or poet?

  181. If you could master any musical instrument, what would it be?

  182. What's the most heartwarming movie you've ever seen?

  183. If you could have any piece of famous artwork in your home, what would it be?

  184. What's your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?

  185. If you could spend a day working in any profession, what would it be?

  186. What's the most interesting cultural experience you've had?

  187. If you could create a holiday, what would it be?

  188. What's your favorite memory from school?

  189. If you could be any age for a week, what age would you be?

  190. What's the most important quality you look for in a partner?

  191. If you could have lunch with any artist (musician, painter, writer, etc.), who would it be?

  192. What's the most unique family tradition you have or would like to start?

  193. If you could be any element (fire, water, earth, air), what would you be?

  194. What's the best play or musical you've ever seen?

  195. If you could spend a day in any profession, what would it be?

  196. What's the most fascinating documentary you've ever seen?

  197. If you could have any talent in the world, what would it be?

  198. What's the most meaningful community service you've ever performed?

  199. What's the most valuable lesson you've learned from a mistake?

  200. What was your dream job as a child?

  201. What's the most exotic fruit you've ever tried?

  202. If you could change your name, what would you choose?

  203. What's your favorite family recipe?

  204. If you could have dinner with any author, who would it be?

  205. What's the best way to explore a new city?

  206. What's your favorite smell and why?

  207. If you could direct a movie, what would it be about?

  208. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

  209. If you could ask any historical figure a question, who and what would it be?

  210. What's your favorite way to volunteer?

  211. What's your favorite thing about your best friend?

  212. If you could relive any year of your life, which one would it be?

  213. What's your favorite type of chocolate?

  214. If you could witness any event in history, what would it be?

  215. What's your favorite thing about your hometown?

  216. If you could have any fictional vehicle, what would it be?

  217. What's the most interesting wildlife encounter you've had?

  218. What's the best homemade meal you've ever had?

  219. If you could be any character from literature, who would you be?

  220. What's the most valuable thing you've ever found?

  221. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

  222. If you could have any gadget from a movie, what would it be?

  223. What's your favorite kind of weather?

  224. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which one would it be?

  225. What's the most challenging goal you've set for yourself?

  226. What's your favorite way to unwind?

  227. If you could create a new law, what would it be?

  228. What's the most impressive thing you can cook or bake?

  229. If you could have any mystical artifact, what would it be?

  230. What's the most beautiful hike or walk you've ever taken?

  231. What's your favorite thing about your current job or school?

  232. If you could live in any film's world, where would you live?

  233. What's the most interesting rock or mineral you've ever found?

  234. What's your favorite thing about the ocean?

  235. If you could talk to any species of animal, which one would you choose?

  236. What's the most fascinating plant you've ever seen or grown?

  237. What's the most interesting thing about your family's history?

  238. If you could have a conversation with any world leader, who would it be?

  239. What's the most interesting course you've ever taken?

  240. What's your favorite thing about the night sky?

  241. If you could travel anywhere in time, where and when would you go?

  242. What's the most interesting aquarium or zoo you've ever visited?

  243. If you could have any talent from any movie character, what would it be?

  244. What's the most interesting piece of trivia you know?

  245. If you could invent any tool or gadget, what would it be?

  246. What's the most challenging physical feat you've ever accomplished?

  247. What's the most intriguing mystery you've ever read or watched?

  248. If you could live in any building in the world, where would it be?

  249. What's the most unusual sport you've ever tried or would like to try?

  250. What's your favorite thing about the current season?

  251. If you could create a new flavor of soda, what would it be?

  252. What's the most interesting festival or fair you've ever attended?

  253. If you could be a part of any television show, which one would it be?

  254. What's the most rewarding hobby you've ever had?

  255. If you could be a professional in any type of art (painting, dance, music, etc.), what would it be?

  256. What's your favorite thing about weekends?

  257. If you could instantly know any skill in the world, what would it be?

  258. What's the most unusual job you can think of?

  259. If you could have any imaginary friend, who or what would it be?

  260. What's the most beautiful forest or park you've ever visited?

  261. What's your favorite thing about your favorite color?

  262. If you could spend a day as a world leader, who would it be?

  263. What's the most interesting texture you've ever felt?

  264. If you could create a new holiday tradition, what would it be?

  265. What's the most beautiful painting you've ever seen?

  266. If you could have any animal, real or fictional, as a pet, what would it be?

  267. What's your favorite thing about mornings?

  268. If you could win any award, what would it be?

  269. What's the most beautiful piece of music you've ever heard?

  270. If you could meet any scientist, who would it be?

  271. What's the most interesting way you've ever traveled?

  272. If you could visit any fictional town or city, where would it be?

  273. What's your favorite thing about the beach?

  274. If you could have any superpower from a comic book, what would it be?

  275. What's the most fascinating time period in history?

  276. If you could have any item from any movie, what would it be?

  277. What's the most interesting theme park you've ever visited?

  278. If you could be the hero in any story, what would it be?

  279. What's the most beautiful dance you've ever seen?

  280. If you could meet any fictional hero, who would it be?

  281. What's the most exciting game you've ever played?

  282. If you could create a new flavor of ice cream, what would it be?

  283. What's the most amazing architecture you've ever seen?

  284. If you could have any historical item, what would it be?

  285. What's the most amazing magic trick you've ever seen?

  286. If you could have any talent from any video game character, what would it be?

  287. What's your favorite thing about nature?

  288. If you could control any element (fire, water, earth, air), what would it be?

  289. What's the most beautiful insect you've ever seen?

  290. If you could visit any planet or moon, where would you go?

  291. What's your favorite thing about your favorite movie?

  292. If you could create a new invention, what would it be?

  293. What's the most beautiful sculpture you've ever seen?

  294. If you could be any mythical hero, who would it be?

  295. What's your favorite thing about your favorite song?

  296. If you could create a new sport, what would it be?

  297. What's the most interesting cloud formation you've ever seen?

  298. If you could live in any castle, where would it be?

  299. What's the most beautiful bird you've ever seen?

  300. If you could visit any imaginary world, where would you go?

  301. What's the most beautiful sunset or sunrise you've ever seen?

  302. If you could have any job in a movie, what would it be?

  303. What's the most delicious dessert you've ever had?

  304. If you could visit any natural wonder, what would it be?

  305. What's your favorite thing about your favorite book?

  306. If you could master any form of martial arts, what would it be?

  307. What's the most interesting religious site you've ever visited?

  308. If you could be any video game character, who would you be?

  309. What's the most amazing bridge you've ever seen?

  310. If you could visit any ancient civilization, when and where would it be?

  311. What's your favorite thing about your favorite holiday?

  312. If you could change one thing about your favorite movie, what would it be?

  313. What's the most beautiful lake or river you've ever seen?

  314. If you could be a character in any play, who would it be?

  315. What's the most challenging puzzle or game you've ever completed?

  316. If you could compose any piece of music, what would it be?

  317. What's your favorite thing about your favorite sport?

  318. If you could perform in any band, what would it be?

  319. What's the most amazing mountain you've ever seen?

  320. If you could solve any mystery, what would it be?

  321. What's your favorite thing about your favorite animal?

  322. If you could paint any scene, what would it be?

  323. What's the most amazing waterfall you've ever seen?

  324. If you could direct any play, what would it be?

  325. What's the most challenging recipe you've ever made?

  326. If you could design any building, what would it be?

  327. What's your favorite thing about your favorite restaurant?

  328. If you could be the villain in any story, what would it be?

  329. What's the most beautiful island you've ever visited?

  330. If you could sing any song perfectly, what would it be?

  331. What's the most challenging hike you've ever done?

  332. If you could dance in any style, what would it be?

  333. What's your favorite thing about your favorite video game?

  334. If you could write any book, what would it be?

  335. What's the most amazing cave or cavern you've ever explored?

  336. If you could perform any magic spell, what would it be?

  337. What's the most beautiful gemstone you've ever seen?

  338. If you could be the sidekick to any hero, who would it be?

  339. What's your favorite thing about your favorite actor or actress?

  340. If you could pilot any vehicle, what would it be?

  341. What's the most amazing garden you've ever visited?

  342. If you could create any law, what would it be?

  343. What's the most beautiful constellation you've ever seen?

  344. If you could play any sport professionally, what would it be?

  345. What's the most beautiful piece of pottery or glasswork you've ever seen?

  346. If you could design any fashion item, what would it be?

  347. What's your favorite thing about your favorite teacher or mentor?

  348. If you could sculpt anything, what would it be?

  349. What's the most amazing reef or marine life you've ever seen?

  350. If you could act in any film, what would it be?

  351. What's the most beautiful piece of jewelry you've ever seen?

  352. If you could write any play, what would it be?

  353. What's the most amazing forest or jungle you've ever explored?

  354. If you could narrate any story, what would it be?

  355. What's your favorite thing about your favorite piece of art?

  356. If you could be the lead in any musical, what would it be?

  357. What's the most interesting cave painting or rock art you've ever seen?

  358. If you could choreograph any dance, what would it be?

  359. What's your favorite thing about your favorite poem?

  360. If you could play any character on TV, who would it be?

  361. What's the most fascinating ruin or historical site you've ever visited?

  362. If you could have any role in a circus, what would it be?

  363. What's your favorite thing about your favorite play?

  364. If you could design any logo or brand, what would it be?

  365. What's the most challenging mountain or hill you've ever climbed?

  366. If you could be any famous explorer, who would it be?

  367. What's the most intriguing culture you've ever learned about?

  368. If you could produce any concert, who would perform?

  369. What's the most beautiful field or meadow you've ever seen?

  370. If you could be any famous artist, who would it be?

  371. What's your favorite thing about your favorite cartoon?

  372. If you could create any monument, what would it be?

  373. What's the most amazing hot spring or geothermal site you've ever visited?

  374. If you could have any painting in your home, what would it be?

  375. What's your favorite thing about your favorite comedian?

  376. If you could make any documentary, what would it be about?

  377. What's the most interesting folklore or legend you've ever heard?

  378. If you could play any musical instrument professionally, what would it be?

  379. What's the most amazing coral or shell you've ever seen?

  380. If you could create a new animal, what would it look like?

  381. What's your favorite thing about your favorite hobby?

  382. If you could run any business, what would it be?

  383. What's the most amazing glacier or ice formation you've ever seen?

  384. If you could be any famous athlete, who would it be?

  385. What's your favorite thing about your favorite landmark?

  386. If you could create any board game, what would it be?

  387. What's the most beautiful desert or sand dune you've ever seen?

  388. If you could be any famous chef, who would it be?

  389. What's your favorite thing about your favorite magazine or publication?

  390. If you could make any film genre come to life, what would it be?

  391. What's the most challenging riddle you've ever solved?

  392. If you could be any famous dancer, who would it be?

  393. What's your favorite thing about your favorite fairy tale?

  394. If you could brew any potion, what would it be?

  395. What's the most beautiful wildflower or plant you've ever seen?

  396. If you could host any TV show, what would it be?

  397. What's your favorite thing about your favorite myth or mythology?

  398. If you could create any fireworks display, what would it look like?

  399. What's the most beautiful canyon or valley you've ever seen?

  400. If you could travel with any famous adventurer, who would it be?