
Mind Blowing Presentations

Breakout Sessions and Workshops

Next level presentation skills training, individual coaching, workshops and consulting!

josh routh workshops


Mastering the Art of Connection through Mind-Blowing Presentations

In the age of digital bombardment, connection is the key. At the heart of every impactful presentation lies a magnetic connection between the presenter and the audience. Joshua Routh understands this fundamental truth and brings it to life in his unparalleled presentation workshops, coaching and trainings.

Elevate Your Presentation Skills

In a world where TED talks have set the gold standard and every presentation is vying for the audience’s dwindling attention, standing out is not just an aspiration – it's a necessity. Whether you're prepping for a crucial leadership speech, aiming to impress with a sales pitch, or simply trying to make your message resonate, Joshua is here to guide you.

His sessions aren't just about presentations; they're about creating experiences. Joshua's techniques ensure that your messages don't just pass through ears, but genuinely connect, resonate, and linger.

In Joshua’s coaching, trainings and workshops, you're not just learning; you're evolving into a presenter who connects, captivates, and leaves a mark. Dive into a journey where every slide, every gesture, and every word becomes a bridge, connecting you to your audience in ways previously unimagined. With Joshua Routh, your presentations will never be the same again. Join the revolution and truly connect!

josh routh workshops
josh routh book mind blowing presentations

Why Joshua Routh?

With over two decades of expertise spanning theatrical productions, magic shows, circuses, and films, Joshua doesn't just teach presentation skills; he embodies them. His vast experience has given him an intuitive grasp on the art of engagement, an art he's now eager to share.

Joshua's book on Mind Blowing Presentations has become a guiding beacon for many. From businesses to conference organizers, they've all tapped into Joshua's wisdom to transform their presentation landscape.

Workshop Modules:

  1. Insight and Awareness - Recognizing inherent skills and identifying growth areas.

  2. Creativity and Inspiration - Crafting a message so compelling, it's unforgettable.

  3. Magic, Storytelling, Structure, and Audience Response - Ingenious methods to captivate and retain attention.

  4. Presentation Skills and Audience Management - Mastering the art of presence and audience dynamics.

  5. Presentation and Feedback - Showcase, refine, and evolve.

Experience Transformation:

  • Discover Magic: Not just the tricks, but the magic of captivating an audience.

  • Storytelling in Business: Harness the age-old art to make your message resonate.

  • Channel Energy: Turn nervousness into a powerful presentation tool.

  • Master Non-verbal Communication: Sometimes, it’s not what you say, but how you say it.

  • Navigate Challenges: Tackle unforeseen situations with grace and confidence.

  • Playful Presenting: Introduce an element of fun, enhancing retention and engagement.

  • Lead with Impact: Use presentation skills as tools for leadership.

  • The Art of Persuasion: Learn to sway opinions and inspire action.

About Joshua Routh

Meet Joshua Routh, the dynamic force behind Circus Kaput, one of the largest variety talent agencies in the American mid-west, and a celebrated performer, speaker, author, and corporate trainer. Recognized nationwide for his talent, Joshua's diverse experiences span TV commercials, comedy clubs, circus, theater, and even Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!
However, Joshua's talents go beyond entertainment. As an experienced facilitator with a special focus on CONNECTION, Joshua has conducted transformative workshops for powerhouse corporations such as Edward Jones, Wells Fargo, and Google, instilling a sense of unity and stronger interpersonal bonds.
Recently, Joshua graced the TEDx St. Louis stage, adding yet another milestone to his illustrious career. He also collaborated with comedian and actor TJ Miller on the 'Perpetuity Tour', further demonstrating his versatility and knack for connection. Joshua is also the author of 'Mind Blowing Presentations', offering his insight into crafting engaging, memorable presentations.
If you're seeking a speaker, performer, emcee or corporate trainer who truly understands the power of connection, Joshua Routh should be your first choice.

Interested In Connecting With Joshua?

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